Software Development - Engineering and Manufacturing - Sheffield
Quad Computer Services Ltd provide bespoke software for engineering and manufacturing companies in Sheffield and South Yorkshire where an off the shelf package is either unavailable or does not meet requirements. We can replace legacy software with fit for purpose, up to date software which can replicate and improve on the tasks the legacy software peformed. By having the software tailor-made in this way, it can adapt and change as your business changes.
The bespoke software can be
- Web-based - where access is needed whilst out on the road or in the field
- Desktop-based - where only users in the office should use it
- Hybrid of both - using the best solution for the particular need.
It can link to other software and processes (existing or new), should this be a requirement, and can often reduce repetitive tasks or remove them completely. This reduction in repetition not only saves time, but will often reduce keying errors. Where number-crunching is required, we can provide software to do this. Having some background in scientific disciplines, we are comfortable with scientific, engineering and manufacturing concepts and can ensure the software performs calculations and tasks correctly.